Unless You Abide in Jesus


On the Thursday of Passion Week, Jesus was with His disciples giving them instructions and reassurance of how to become “fruitful” in His kingdom. The main instruction was this:

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit from itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.” (John 15 4)

There are at least two important “Truth Matters” in Jesus' statement:

1. “Bearing fruit” is a given priority for the believer. This “fruit” has to do with bringing folks to know the sin cleansing power of Jesus Christ. Our lives are to reflect that. by keeping your conduct excellent among the Gentiles, they may because of your good works, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation. (1 Peter 2:12)
2. The key here is “abiding in the vine.” Just to have “excellent conduct” as a goal in itself is not how “fruit” is born. There are many unbelievers who have excellent conduct but end up in hell and bring many with them. There are many believers who strive for excellent conduct but only to promote themselves and never bear fruit. “Fruit producing conduct” can only come when the believer is in close relationship with Jesus. The “fruit” comes naturally out of that relationship. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'” (John 7:38)

Today's My Utmost for His Highest speaks to this issue:

“Goodness and purity should never be traits that draw attention to themselves, but should simply be magnets that draw people to Jesus Christ. If my holiness is not drawing others to Him, it is not the right kind of holiness; it is only an influence which awakens undue emotions and evil desires in people and diverts them from heading in the right direction. A person who is a beautiful saint can be a hindrance in leading people to the Lord by presenting only what Christ has done for him, instead of presenting Jesus Christ Himself. Others will be left with this thought— “What a fine person that man is!” That is not being a true “friend of the bridegroom”— I am increasing all the time; He is not.

To maintain this friendship and faithfulness to the Bridegroom, we have to be more careful to have the moral and vital relationship to Him above everything else.”

The very important point is this...walking closely with the Lord Jesus in meditating on the Word and in making application of that Word through prayer, is what will result in “fruit.” We don't have to contrive “good behavior.” The kind of behavior that results in “fruit” spills over naturally from our relationship with Jesus. That kind of “Christ generated behavior” is what draws folks to the Savior.

My prayer for you and me this day is this: Lord, keep us from being superficial Christians. Give us the faith and trust to allow You to so direct and influence our lives that not only will we receive joy, peace, and confidence, but that others would see You in us and be drawn to the Savior we love. Amen.

Havergal's song is where “fruit” has its origin:

Take my life and let it be
consecrated, Lord, to thee.
Take my moments and my days;
let them flow in endless praise,
let them flow in endless praise.

Walk with the King today and be a blessing.