Truth Matters Vessels not Professionals


Here's where secular and much of Christians counseling / psychology misses the most important factor in being able to counsel or help another. (It's also what we everyday Christians...moms and ministry endeavors...advice givers... fail to realize.) Namely, it is one's personal relationship with the Lord Jesus that gives them insight and helpful counsel. One can academically study and research for “silver bullets” that can be applied to various problems, but God only uses counselors that are first and foremost His. In other words, it's one's committed relationship to the Lord from which Godly discernment comes. Sometimes Godly discernment may seem counterproductive to our way of thinking or strategizing for another's sake, but this is where Godly counsel and “professional” counseling differ. Out from the life of one who is focused upon Jesus Christ, lead by the Spirit, committed to God's word, comes truth that matters. Much of the time that person will hardly recognize the effectiveness of his or her's almost an unconscious awareness of how God's truth is being channeled through them.

The best qualification of a counselor is one who is totally devoted to Jesus Christ. By that I mean, one whose life is so permeated with his or her love for Jesus, that Christ's discernment stops them from being “amateur providence makers” and unconsciously allows the Spirit of God to provide real wisdom, insight, and healing. Stay close to your Lord and let Him influence hurting people through your dependence and commitment to Him. My prayer for you and me this day is this: Lord, You are the master counselor. There is none like You who can heal and make right. We just want to be vessels used by You. We're not looking to be “professionals”... just instruments of Your love and wisdom that we have as we draw close to You. May it be. Amen.

Walk with the King today and be a blessing.