Blessed Uttermost


The other day I was driving in my car and heard a song on the radio I needed that day:

I'm saved to the uttermost and I know that I am,
Washed in the blood of the precious lamb.
Through the Father, through the Son, through the Holy Ghost,
I'm saved to the uttermost.

The reason I needed that song was because I was feeling so inadequate, so prone to sin...thinking Jesus would have had it with me. The Holy Son of God would no longer tolerate the sinful imperfections in my life...imperfections that are my fault...imperfections that keep me feeling that I'm no longer acceptable to Holy God. Then I was reminded of that song, “I'm saved to the uttermost, washed in the blood of the precious Lamb.” But the most important part of that song was “and I know that I am.” I needed to be reminded of that. I needed to be reminded of what God says to me: “nothing can separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39) A renewed sense of confidence, assurance, and a thankful heart for the magnificent, magnanimous grace that bought me and made me His own came as I thought about the word “uttermost” in that song.

Maybe you go through experiences like probably do...I think we all do. The more mature we become as Christ followers, the more sin bothers us. During those times it becomes even more important that we remember “uttermost.”

Today's My Utmost for His Highest reminds us of the importance of “utmost:”

“There are many things I cannot do: I cannot save and sanctify myself; I cannot redeem the world; I cannot make right what is wrong, pure what is impure, holy what is unholy. All this is the sovereign work of God. Do I have faith in what God, through Jesus Christ, has done? He has made for us a perfect atonement, placing us back in a right relationship with him. Am I in the habit of constantly realizing it?

The great need in each of our lives isn't to do things or to experience things but to believe them. The atonement isn't something I experience. It is the great act of God, upon which I build my faith.

Do I understand that Jesus Christ wants his atonement to be recognized in every practical thing I do? In my home life? In my business? I must continually bring myself to judgment and ask, “Am I looking at this matter in the light of the atonement, or am I lacking Christ's discernment?” Every time I obey, absolute Deity is on my side. Obedience means that I've placed all my hope in the atonement, and everything I do is met by the supernatural grace of God.”

There's nothing more that needs to be done. We are saved permanently, perfectly, forever. When we go through times of self-judgment and feelings of rejection, let us be reminded of this passage:

21 And since this great High Priest of ours rules over God's household, 22 let us go right in to God himself, with true hearts fully trusting Him to receive us because we have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean and because our bodies have been washed with pure water. 23 Now we can look forward to the salvation God has promised us. There is no longer any room for doubt (Hebrews 10 TLB)

My prayer for you and me this day is this: Lord, what assurance, peace, and blessing it is for us to know we are saved to the uttermost...and know that we are. Thank You for Your magnanimous grace that goes before us every day. May Your love and Your grace drive us to obedience and increased love for You. Amen.

Walk with the King today and be a blessing.