Judgmental Sin
The Bible gives us plenty of passages having to do with biblical discernment and the necessity of making judgments leading to criticism (e.g. Galatians 2:11-21). The problem comes when our judgmental criticisms come from our own personal preferences, viewpoints, our way of doing something. Sunday I'll be preaching on some of the attitudes and behaviors that cause pastors much pain and struggle (Colossians 2:1-7). One of those is when the saints develop and demonstrate a critical, unloving spirit...a spirit that results mainly from pride, selfishness, vindictiveness, resentment or from some other mental attitude sin. Critical spirit is one of Satan's best used means to separate believers and even split churches and marriages. Seems like part of our old sin nature inclines us to have critical, judgmental, spirits. This is what we all must guard against in our own lives and interactions with people. Jesus warns in Matthew 7:1 - do not judge or you too will be judged.
Four things we must realize when we feel drawn to judge and criticize others:
1. When humans criticize, they only succeed in weakening and wounding. We even need to be very careful with our Godly, constructive criticism but when our criticism stems from our sin natures it will surely cause divisiveness and hurt.
2. It is impossible to enter into communion with God when we are in a critical mood. We know this statement true by our own experience. Hardly any better way to become callous toward God than by developing, maintaining, and messaging a critical spirit.
3. There is always one fact more... How can we use our personal measuring sticks to judge another when we can't know all the parameters of another's life? We don't know what they're going through...we can't understand how the experiences of their life has shaped them.
4. what WE would be if it weren't for His grace. Criticism has a way of elevating ourselves in our own eyes. Rather than having a compassionate, helpful, edifying response, we feel driven to elevate ourselves above others. We constantly need a smack down to the reality of our sinful attitude and our own need of God's grace. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. Not a one time experience..
My prayer for you and me this day is this: Lord, prone to wander Lord I feel it is how the song goes. The lyrics are so true when it comes to our judgmental criticisms. Please Lord, keep us from this sin. Convict us sternly by Your Spirit when we begin to wander in that direction. May our lives manifest the love of Christ...nothing more and nothing less. Amen.
Walk with the King today and be a blessing.